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Our security bags made out of LDPE provide a high level of security for your business document and valuables. Once closed any unauthorized attempts to break the seal will cause the universal STOP message to appear. Also the security tape is fully resistant to all tamperature controlling agents. A special double welding with micro print along the both sides of the edge to prevents spurious opening and resealing.


Our security bags are recommended for use in high-risk situations such as handling cash, cheque, share or bond certificates and other sensitive items including forensic evidence.


Available in opaque or clear material in various film thicknesses and customized printing and/or sizes as well as special features such as thermoindicator, watersoluable ink, unique barcode & numbering, etc.


Different applications:

Security bags for cash and valuables

Security bags for aviation security (STEB's)

Security bags for product samples (agriculture)

Security bags for medical specimens (leakproof-closure)

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